
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018

English language challenges

In this semester I recognize that I learned more than the semester before, I like that this semester we saw gramatic and fonetic with more details and that is what I need to practice because there are technical things that I don't know, yet. I think the experience of learning english as any other depends of the teacher, I like that this semester the teacher made us to talk a lot, the class was more didactics and the time pass faster because it was more funny. the first hour of the class is very important to me because I learn thing that I don't have kown at the moment, but the second hour of the class is important too because whit blogs I can practice what I already know. I like blogs issues there were interesting, I think I need to improve my english regarding to phsycological terms and practice more the speaking and pronunciation. I really like to go to a student exchange but most of the countries demands you to know english besides the country's language if it's not

personal opinions

What is your opinion about women in the military? I think that women can do the same things that men, we are all equals but because of cultural factors throughout history men and women have been different. we just have to think about old people who think that a man must eat more food than a woman, or men are stronger than women so a man can do hard works while a woman can't do things like that because "women are weak" or #women have to be delicate, fragile, sensible and every of these lies which are just overcrowded thoughts imposed by male and sexism culture. What is your opinion about tatoos? I really love tattos, as I see it is an art, I belive it's a way to express your feelings and thoughts, if you think that, they are so politicals as any art expression because they help us to express an opinion. I admit that before tatoos were off-limits, almost a tabú and I guess it was because people were so shy and reserved, they had a lot of social rules which f