Why did i choose this career/study programme?

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When I was a child I dreamed of being a musician, I always liked to play music with many kind of instruments. when I was in high school I discovered philosophical literature, specifically a Spanish writer called José Ortega&Gasset, I read his books and I learned so much about  philosophy and a little of psychology, which seemed to be so interesting. Then I started to read other psychologist writers and when I was in the last grade at high school I researched everything what I could about the career, even I attended a class as a listener. At the moment to apply to university I still like music and I knew I’d never left those studies, but psychology interested me so much and I knew that I couldn’t learn about it if I don’t study at university. Besides that, I think that psychology can help people to put them thoughts in order and structure them minds for have a good life, that is why I choose to study psychology. 


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