The country I would like to visit

One of my biggest dream is travel around south America, I have always been interested into know latinoamerican culture, it have a lot of colors, sounds, history, etc. I like it because I feel Chile at the last time have refused their Latin culture because of many globalization currents which have made us something like a copy of other countries, that is why I need to know more about latinoamerican culture and so that is why I want to travel through America. If I would have to be more specifically, I like to travel to México, I feel in love of Mexican culture, it catch my attention because everywhere  there is full of everything, every space is very colorful and crowded, full of different kind of music and extravagant food. Another reason to know Mexico are their beautiful landscapes, woods and meadows full of green, sublime beaches with crystal clear water and white sand, every historical monument and ruins of Mayan culture. I really like to go to places like Chichen itzá, Yucatán, Oaxaca, Veracruz or any places where they celebrate a carnival.

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  1. Omg, Mexico its sooo beautiful, someday I would like eat tacos in this country hehe<3

  2. there are so many different places in mexico to discover, as you I would like to know more about it, to be involved with people so I can see and experience their culture.

  3. omg I love mexico too! is it such a beatiful place to visit or live, you made a good choice because u can do a lot of things there.

  4. I have visited Mexico in 2014! It is so magical. Amazing picture, I've loved the colors <3

  5. Hi Camila, I think it's true what you said about Chile and its non-Latin-American-culture and maybe Mexico is a really good place to find the Latin identity, I hope you can visit it someday! :)

  6. Mexico is a place with so much identity! I love that your picture reflect their culture


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