
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Final essay

The number of private universities that charge for education has been continuously growing in Chile, with higher fees each year. While some people feel that paying for education is the normal trend, others think that education should be free. How do you feel about this? Education in Chile should be a right, something free and not a for-profit institution. The ultimate goal of education should not be to generate money, but to create honest people with the necessary knowledge to face the world, both personally and at work. In short, the purpose of education must be to train people. That is why it is strictly necessary that institutions such as universities change their system and join projects such as “gratuity” over time, education in Chile has taken different forms, its system has changed in its administration, its curriculum and several other details such as the duration of classes, the ages corresponding to each grade, the existence of recesses and their times of duration, t
“Large cars” people who lives alone or have a small family shouldn't buy large cars because  cause too many traffic jams in the streets and pollute the air unnecessarily “Living in a remote area” live in a remote area help to our mental health and wellness because there are a lot of peace and tranquility “Studying abroad” studying abroad would be a very rewarding experience, you can learn about a diferent culture, their  language and traditions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The candy bar diet” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “National holidays” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


This report is about a university field work, it was a work in the field of developmental psychology.  Me and my group went to a kinder garden during all the last semester because we had to study the infant stage of development. We had to make several observations about how children behaved, how they interactec with each other, how children worked in groups and/ or alone. how are their relationships, if they played among themselves, if they talked between them, among other things. Then we had to explain all of these features based on what we learned in the field and in the bibliography of the chair wich it's about the normal development. The good point was that I learned  a lot about children development and some kids were really cute. The bad point was the chaos that formed when children hyperventilated or made scandals. The purpose of this field work was learned in practice about child development and have the oportunity to compare with the theory and what we read in books.

Elevator Speech

Hello, my name is Camila Dölz Bravo. I’m a psychology student in University of Chile. I want to apply for the psychopathology’s assistantship because I like the subject and the topics that we learned. At first I decided to study this career because of the clinical area of psychology and this class is like the basis of that psychology’s area. I’m a good student, hardworking and organized. I have good marks in general, include this subject. I’m good at teaching, I like doing team work and I have a good rapport with people. I’m interested in working as an assistantship because besides teaching,  assistantship group sometimes can go to conferences and prepare their own investigations or help any professor with them, that would be such a rewarding situation.

English language challenges

In this semester I recognize that I learned more than the semester before, I like that this semester we saw gramatic and fonetic with more details and that is what I need to practice because there are technical things that I don't know, yet. I think the experience of learning english as any other depends of the teacher, I like that this semester the teacher made us to talk a lot, the class was more didactics and the time pass faster because it was more funny. the first hour of the class is very important to me because I learn thing that I don't have kown at the moment, but the second hour of the class is important too because whit blogs I can practice what I already know. I like blogs issues there were interesting, I think I need to improve my english regarding to phsycological terms and practice more the speaking and pronunciation. I really like to go to a student exchange but most of the countries demands you to know english besides the country's language if it's not

personal opinions

What is your opinion about women in the military? I think that women can do the same things that men, we are all equals but because of cultural factors throughout history men and women have been different. we just have to think about old people who think that a man must eat more food than a woman, or men are stronger than women so a man can do hard works while a woman can't do things like that because "women are weak" or #women have to be delicate, fragile, sensible and every of these lies which are just overcrowded thoughts imposed by male and sexism culture. What is your opinion about tatoos? I really love tattos, as I see it is an art, I belive it's a way to express your feelings and thoughts, if you think that, they are so politicals as any art expression because they help us to express an opinion. I admit that before tatoos were off-limits, almost a tabú and I guess it was because people were so shy and reserved, they had a lot of social rules which f

my future job

I have never thougth I would like to have one job, in fact I always imagine me as an adult working in diferent areas at same time, that is because I like many things which allow me to have diferent jobs. obviously I will work as a psychologist, I don´t know yet if i prefer to specializate in clinical area or social area because I really like neuroscience but in the career I learned the social work is very important. I use to think that I like to work doing therapy or in a investigation, I don´t have it clear yet, the only thing that I am sure is that I hate working at a private company in human resources or things like that. In another way I like to work in something related with music, I have been bound to music since i was born so I´m sure it will be part of my life when I grow up and if I can have an income for this activity, better . I don´t know if I would work as a musician or teacher, I think I rather going to pick what I find in the moment. Respect to the job's time, I

The best concert you have ever had

    Hi! I´m going to write about my favourite concert. At the begining of this year I went to Imagine Dragons concert at O´higgins park, it was part of the festival lollapalooza, i went with my sister and we were fascinated because for the first time we were going to see one of our favourite bands. I remember that my sister and I worked almost all this summer for pay our tickets, it was exhausting but it completely worth it because every concert was amazing.  This day when we arrived to the park we were too tired because we had gone to the first day of the festival the day before and we spended all day runing between stages, jumping and screaming crazily, but even of our tiredness that was just what we did the second festival´s day. We went to the park too early to see other concert during the day, we had everything planed to arrive to the stage as earlier as were possible in order to get the best places, but like two hours before started the concert we decide to g

The country I would like to visit

One of my biggest dream is travel around south America, I have always been interested into know latinoamerican culture, it have a lot of colors, sounds, history, etc. I like it because I feel Chile at the last time have refused their Latin culture because of many globalization currents which have made us something like a copy of other countries, that is why I need to know more about latinoamerican culture and so that is why I want to travel through America. If I would have to be more specifically, I like to travel to México, I feel in love of Mexican culture, it catch my attention because everywhere  there is full of everything, every space is very colorful and crowded, full of different kind of music and extravagant food. Another reason to know Mexico are their beautiful landscapes, woods and meadows full of green, sublime beaches with crystal clear water and white sand, every historical monument and ruins of Mayan culture. I really like to go to places like Chichen itzá, Yucatán, O

personal opinions

What is your opinion on the social networks and the effect they have on society? social networks are a great mecanism to the world globalization, they help to make contact between two or more people who are not necessary in the same place or nearly. But another  What is your opinion on animal testing?  in my opinion use animals to test any product would be correct if animals don't feel pain or as less as possible, besides that I think that not every products deserve to be check on animal testing, for example cosmetic's testing can be avoid because it doesn't provide anything relevant for our development as a humans. What is your opinion on the idea that marriage is an outdated institution? I think the marriage today is an obsolete institution, mainly because represent a sexist culture and reproduce a misogynist idea of relationship where women are seen just in their reproductive function. Today we know that a couple is compose of two equal parts.  What do you think